Thursday, July 29, 2010

My new life......
So i have been in VA Beach since Feb && i have been about to go crazy with boredom lol until just a few weeks ago i meet some pretty amazing ladies.....&& just so happens they are all also Navy SO's so they know exactly what is going on with me && my new life style! It has been truly amazing to meet these girls that our in the same position as me.....they are all basically new to the area, SAHMs and know what its like to be left alone when our Sailor are called away to duty. Anyways like i was saying until i meet these girls i thought this awesome life on the beach wasnt gonna be so But i have had an awesome time getting to know them...just sitting at the beach or sitting on the couch together...
Now, on another topic.....i got a call on Tuesday for a job working for an Orthopedic Surgeon here in VA Beach...I am soooo excited, but def soooo scared..... lol im scared for 1. bc this will be the first time Rylee is left with someone other than family && 2. B/c i have only had one other job...&& i was there for soooo long.... Im sure everything will work out...but of course im gonna be scared, she is my Princess and my first its only normal that i totally
This is all for the best though, i just know it....Everyday, that RJ is at work for 11 or 12 hours a day && im just sitting here im like wow really....i didnt go to college to just sit @ home && be RJ will be transferring to a new squadron soon && he will be leaving on dets alot more...&& i can remember the first time he left for 2 weeks.....i wanted to die! i was so bored it was unbelievable. Alls i did was sit around the house && whine. Well not this time...Time to get my stuff straight, this is the life i signed up for && i need to start figuring out ways to deal with life while he is gone. LMAO not that im not going to complain while he is gone.....because im still definitely going to complain...but at least if i have my own life going on, it will be alot easier for me to get through it.


  1. Aww..totally true! :) I'm so glad we've met your so awesome :) I'm here if you ever need me!!

  2. I love that you think we are awesome because, You're pretty awesome yourself! =))
    Im so happy that you got this job. I know how much you wanted it, and how much it will help in so many ways. Just in the little time I have known you I can see the amount of confidence you have, and the drive you have to succeed. You are going to do great!
    You have become a really great friend. I just thought you should know =))

  3. awwww, omg this totally made me cry! lol Thank u soooo much!
